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Nadine Gbossa

Making Development Co-operation More Effective: OECD and UNDP 2016 Progress Report

The OECD and UNDP Report on Making Development Cooperation more effective was prepared under and the general direction of Nadine Gbossa (OECD) and Simona Marinescu (UNDP).

Effective development co-operation is a prerequisite for sustainable progress in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. This report is the product of a global monitoring exercise designed to generate evidence on progress in making development co-operation more effective. This second edition since the establishment of the Global Partnership for Effective Development Co-operation in Busan to build political momentum for change, ensuring that we are able to identify remaining challenges and learn from each other about ways to improve the effectiveness of development co-operation at the country and global levels.

The Global Partnership for Effective Development Co-operation sustains political commitment and upholds accountability for improving the effectiveness of development co-operation. It does this by regularly monitoring progress on the implementation of agreed development effectiveness principles and related commitments at the country level; and by facilitating dialogue and encouraging the sharing of experiences among governments, multilateral organizations, civil society, parliamentarians and the private sector. The Global Partnership drives change in the way development co-operation is provided by generating evidence to highlight where attention is needed, and by encouraging members to respond to the evidence by agreeing on individual and collective action to accelerate progress. This monitoring report is an integral part of this process. It compiles the results of the Global Partnership’s second monitoring round, generating data and evidence on the implementation of agreed principles for effective development co-operation:

1. Country ownership of development priorities

2. Focus on results

3. Inclusive partnerships for development

4. Transparency and mutual accountability

The monitoring exercise looks, on the one hand, at how effectively governments put in place a conducive environment to maximize the impact of development co-operation and enable contributions from nongovernmental actors (i.e. civil society and the private sector); and on the other, how effectively development partners deliver their support. It uses ten selected indicators to track progress and create a shared, action‑oriented roadmap for making development co-operation more effective, building a foundation for mutual accountability amongst all development stakeholders.The 2016 monitoring round drew record participation, both in terms of numbers and of diversity: 81 low and middle-income countries; 125 development partners; 74 development organisations; and hundreds of civil society organisations, private sector representatives, trade unions, foundations, parliamentarians and localgovernments. The data and evidence they generated covers the vast majority (up to 89%) of development co‑operation finance programmed for these 81 countries. Overall, the results of the 2016 monitoring round testify to important progress towards achieving the development effectiveness goals agreed in Busan in 2011 at the Fourth High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness.The development community is adopting a decisive focus on results for more impact at the country level: 99%of countries have development strategies at the national and sector levels; 74% of countries have set out their priorities, targets and indicators in a single strategic planning document. In addition, 85% of development partners’ new programmes and projects are aligned to country-led results frameworks.

Making Development Co-operation More Effective: 2016 Progress Report was prepared by a team comprising Alejandro Guerrero (lead), Cibele Cesca, Elena Costas, Jocelene Fouassier, Valentina Orrù, Nathan Wanner and Philippe Chichereau, under the supervision and strategic guidance of Hanna‑Mari Kilpelainen (OECD)and Yuko Suzuki Naab (UNDP), and the general direction of Nadine Gbossa (OECD) and Simona Marinescu(UNDP


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